Thursday, 24 March 2011

Spring has sprung!

Well Spring has finally arrived! We've been enjoying some fabulous weather the last couple of days - warmth, blue skies and lots of sunshine! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to enjoy much of it due to work, but I have managed to squeeze in a walk and lots of photo taking when I can.

I hope you've been enjoying the change in seasons!

Sorry I haven't been an active blogger lately. Since taking on more hours at my day job, I'm finding it hard to find time to do all the things I used to do. Managing the shops and sorting out orders remains my number 1 priority so other things just get left behind. I'm hoping that as I get used to the new hours, I'll be able to plan myself more appropriately. :D

1 comment:

Dotty said...

I hope oyu can get out in your lunch break to grab a bit of the gorgeous sunshine:)