
Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Post Office Fun

Yesterday was the biggest post office run since I started the business! That right there is 19 parcels that were sent all around the world! In fact it was so big I had to go twice. Luckily I managed to get there both times when the queue was short.

If you've ordered from me before you will know that I like to write the address on cute paper, however to save on time, I just used some plain white sticky labels which I think I'm gonna keep using. Though I did add a bit of cute by adding some elephant stickers to all the parcels. :)

By the way, I have been keeping up with my photo-a-day challenge so far. If you want to keep track (because I don't intend on posting all of them here on the blog), you can check them out on my flickr!

1 comment:

  1. Well done on all those parcels- only jealous that one of them isnt coming to me!
