
Friday, 23 July 2010

Seller Spotlight: Fallen Peach

Seller Spotlight: Fallen Peach @ Etsy

* Tell me a little about yourself? Hi, my name is Lindsey, I am 28 years old and I live in Connecticut, USA. I'm a graphic designer and photographer who love read, travel and explore. I started out as a writer and went to college for writing and literature, but post college I realized my love of design and followed through with that as well.

* What is your shop name and what do you sell? My shop name is FALLENPEACH and I sell useful things made from my photography - right now that means bookmarks, greeting cards and magnets. My boyfriend Matt will be adding some of his original art into the store soon as well.

* What inspires you to create? Creating is just something I've always done. Growing up I was constantly writing and creating characters. Now I tell stories through my photographs and I am a little more hands on crafty with my creating - physically making bookmarks and magnets and things. Creating is a way to let my imagination run and play and it makes me relax a little and smile. I love to look at the sides of things that people don’t usually see – I love photographing things up close and looking for unique things to show off through my work.

* What is your favourite item from your shop? The bookmarks are my first product and I still love them in general, but this one I think is my absolute favorite.

* How and where do you promote your shop? My Shop, Blog, Twitter and Facebook. I love blogging and twittering, talking to people and making connections. Facebook I'm a little new to so it isn't as built up yet.

* What do you find to be the biggest challenge of running your own shop? Right now the biggest challenge is keeping it moving. I was building up everything and doing well, but I went on an adventure (see: and in that time a lot of items expired and I wasn't as active. Right now I'm working on making a slew of new products and getting myself back into promoting mode.

* What advice would you offer to new sellers? My advice would be to make connections and to list a new product as often as possible. Keep things fresh. Also, you never know what connections are going to push you that little bit forward, talking to people on twitter and blogging really get people to know about you and through you your brand. Be positive and try not to let your personal frustrations show through in your brand.

Fun Questions -
* Favourite Colour? Right now, Red or Purple.
* Favourite Book? So difficult! My childhood favorite is Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville. More adult favorites include almost anything by Neil Gaiman, Christopher Moore or Robin Hobb. I read a lot, mostly fantasy or fantasy influenced fiction.
* Favourite Music? I love '50's music and Classic Rock. I also love a lot of indie folk like Erin McKeown and Jump, Little Children.
* Favourite Season? FALL!
* Favourite independant sellers? Scanning through my favorites on Etsy, these shops come to mind Sweet Harvey, poordogfarm, Strange Studios but I talk with a lot of great, talented independent sellers on twitter and I am part of a group called The Meetup as well ( which is full of talented artists and crafters.


Thank you Lindsay for taking part! If you are an independant seller and would like to be featured, please get in touch via my email: titchables(at)gmail(dot)com!

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