
Saturday, 31 July 2010

Seller Spotlight: Friendly Creationss

Something a bit different for you this week, super cute store Friendly Creationss makes yummy looking candy, chocolates and cake. Check out our interview with store owner, Amanda!

Seller Spotlight: Friendly Creationss

* Tell me a little about yourself? Hi my name is Amanda ,and I come from a little town in Rhode Island where not much happens ,so you have to make your own fun.I was born in Rhode Island but am destined to be famous in the likes of New York or Cali.I am a free spirit who does what she wants but takes care of everyone around her.

* What is your shop name and what do you sell? my shop name is FriendlyCreationss , where we make yummy treats of everyones needs and occasions.We make goodies for vegans,vegetarians,meat eaters,gluten free, and sugar free customers.Besides the fact that we offer an array of ways to order your goodies to your conditions ,we make every piece unique and special like you will not see any where else.For example, we take our oreo pops and make them look like a slice of pizza or a hamburger or take materials and make edible sushi candy.What is better than fun and yummy treats !

* What inspires you to create? Everything inspires me when creating new goodies,I am up for the challenge for any customer to throw at me.I will try my best to make their wishes come true.I like to look at an ingredient or object and figure out a way to make it yummy and edible.One day ,I seen a picture of a French Paris painting with a lipstick kiss on it and got inspired to make edible lipstick kiss on our cookie.

* What is your favourite item from your shop? my favorite item for sure is our oreo pops and sushi candy.It is our most unique.

* How and where do you promote your shop? I promote everywhere I can,I talk to local businesses,party company's,wedding businesses,friends,families and post a lot online to others. A few sites I promote on is,,,

* What do you find to be the biggest challenge of running your own shop? the biggest challenge I believe is promoting yourself and getting customers to come steadily .There are some days there could not be one person and another there will be 10.

* What advice would you offer to new sellers? Do not give up and think you can not do it ,hard work pays off at the end and will come to you if you believe in what your business is in all aspects of life.

Fun Questions -
* Favourite Colour? my favorite is definitely pink! all shades of pink, my bedroom used to be pink last year and i regret it everyday that i painted over it.Pink makes everyone happy and cheerful!
* Favourite Book? it may sound silly but my favorite books are the dr.seus books! No matter how old you are , they will make you smile and giggle no matter what time of the day it is.
* Favourite Music? You may laugh but my favorite music is Broadway Musicals and Hip Hop. I will sing my heart out to Wicked or Mama Mia and then I will rap my butt off to Eminem and Lil Wayne. I am one of the most unique people you will meet,thats where my creativity comes from.
* Favourite Season? I would definitely say Summer! First off my birthday is in June so I am a Summer baby. and I am a big beach person and Rhode Island has some of the nicest beaches and I get to wear dresses and flip flops which is amazing to me.
* Favourite independant sellers? a few of my favorite sellers are; Wishwithme, diffractionfiber, fizzyartist, parischicboutique.


Thank you Amanda for taking part! If you are an independant seller and would like to be featured, please get in touch via my email: titchables(at)gmail(dot)com!

Monday, 26 July 2010

Ribbon Galore!

Yes, I realise you can't see much but I wanted to give you a little sneaky peak at the new stock I receive today. Lots and lots of pretty grosgrain ribbon with cupcakes, polka dots, stripes, robots, etc etc! This delivery is part 1 of 2, the second half will be a whole new range of buttons.

I'm currently working on a revamp of my main shop I'm not overly thrilled with the interface I'm currently using and I'm planning on switching to another company which works better for me. When the revamp goes live, so will all these lovely new ribbons!

Don't forget to check out the sale section over at the etsy shop. Once these items are gone, that's it! :D

Saturday, 24 July 2010

I made some cupcakes the other day, and there's so many wonderful cupcake inspiration out there on the net that I thought I would put together a little post of some of my favourite images! Pictures of my finished cupcakes will be posted tomorrow! Enjoy!

All pictures from

Friday, 23 July 2010

Seller Spotlight: Fallen Peach

Seller Spotlight: Fallen Peach @ Etsy

* Tell me a little about yourself? Hi, my name is Lindsey, I am 28 years old and I live in Connecticut, USA. I'm a graphic designer and photographer who love read, travel and explore. I started out as a writer and went to college for writing and literature, but post college I realized my love of design and followed through with that as well.

* What is your shop name and what do you sell? My shop name is FALLENPEACH and I sell useful things made from my photography - right now that means bookmarks, greeting cards and magnets. My boyfriend Matt will be adding some of his original art into the store soon as well.

* What inspires you to create? Creating is just something I've always done. Growing up I was constantly writing and creating characters. Now I tell stories through my photographs and I am a little more hands on crafty with my creating - physically making bookmarks and magnets and things. Creating is a way to let my imagination run and play and it makes me relax a little and smile. I love to look at the sides of things that people don’t usually see – I love photographing things up close and looking for unique things to show off through my work.

* What is your favourite item from your shop? The bookmarks are my first product and I still love them in general, but this one I think is my absolute favorite.

* How and where do you promote your shop? My Shop, Blog, Twitter and Facebook. I love blogging and twittering, talking to people and making connections. Facebook I'm a little new to so it isn't as built up yet.

* What do you find to be the biggest challenge of running your own shop? Right now the biggest challenge is keeping it moving. I was building up everything and doing well, but I went on an adventure (see: and in that time a lot of items expired and I wasn't as active. Right now I'm working on making a slew of new products and getting myself back into promoting mode.

* What advice would you offer to new sellers? My advice would be to make connections and to list a new product as often as possible. Keep things fresh. Also, you never know what connections are going to push you that little bit forward, talking to people on twitter and blogging really get people to know about you and through you your brand. Be positive and try not to let your personal frustrations show through in your brand.

Fun Questions -
* Favourite Colour? Right now, Red or Purple.
* Favourite Book? So difficult! My childhood favorite is Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville. More adult favorites include almost anything by Neil Gaiman, Christopher Moore or Robin Hobb. I read a lot, mostly fantasy or fantasy influenced fiction.
* Favourite Music? I love '50's music and Classic Rock. I also love a lot of indie folk like Erin McKeown and Jump, Little Children.
* Favourite Season? FALL!
* Favourite independant sellers? Scanning through my favorites on Etsy, these shops come to mind Sweet Harvey, poordogfarm, Strange Studios but I talk with a lot of great, talented independent sellers on twitter and I am part of a group called The Meetup as well ( which is full of talented artists and crafters.


Thank you Lindsay for taking part! If you are an independant seller and would like to be featured, please get in touch via my email: titchables(at)gmail(dot)com!

Thursday, 22 July 2010


I'm having a bit of a handmade stock clearance so I have reduced the price of quite a few goodies including the lovely magnet above! Check out the sale at my etsy shop!

I'm making progress on some new plush. Can't wait to share them all with you! :)

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Lots o' buttons

Lots o' buttons

Originally uploaded by titchables

Been very busy making buttons the last week or so. Made a total of 25 sets! Feels good to get a lot of backstock ready, even if sales are a little slow at the moment (I'm guessing people are enjoying the lovely sunshine!).

I've been doing a lot of sketching of some new ideas for brooches, keychains and plush and I can't wait to get started on them!

Friday, 16 July 2010

Seller Spotlight: Blushing Dove Boutique

After a little break, seller spotlight is back! If you would like to have your shop/website featured and answer a few questions about yourself and what you do, do get in touch!

Seller Spotlight: Blushing Dove Boutique @ Etsy

* Tell me a little about yourself? My name is Amy Sarah Lilley, I live in Newark on Trent, UK with my husband and naughty puppy. Although my degree is in English, I have always considered myself creative, and so used the opportunity presented by a year off after uni to really explore my creative side. In this time I began making and selling headbands on eBay, and when I found out about Etsy I felt inspired to try my hand at other things too so joined straight away. I love reading, hot chocolate, making things, swimming, and meeting other creative people on Etsy.

* What is your shop name and what do you sell? My shop is called: 'Blushing Dove Boutique' and I sell pretty and feminine handmade jewellery and accessories. I love combining classy and 'kitsch' so consider my work to have a fun, yet elegant twist.

* What inspires you to create? I am inspired by my love of pretty things, japanese art, and by many of the amazing artists on Etsy, whose high standards of work challenge me to constantly improve my own. As I look for supplies, I also find myself inspired by pretty beads and other materials which I imagine would look sweet as jewellery.

* What is your favourite item from your shop? My favourite item in my shop to date would have to be my 'Ice-Cream Pearl Necklace'. It was the first necklace I made using a variety of techniques, and it took me ages! I love the cute colours and pearls that I've used to make it and wear mine often.

* How and where do you promote your shop? As my shop is still quite new, I have only just started to promote. I have started a facebook group and have just joined Twitter.

* What do you find to be the biggest challenge of running your own shop? The biggest challenge so far has been the sheer amount of work I have had to put in just to get it all up and running. I have loved every minuite of it, but currently spend hours each day making new products, updating pictures, promoting, etc. Etsy is such a large community that it is difficult to get noticed, so a lot of work has to be put in to make your shop stand out from the rest.

* What advice would you offer to new sellers? I am still quite a new seller myself, but from what I have learned so far, my advice would be to keep it fun. Make sure you love your shop and your products, this way you will keep going when times are tough. I believe you should feel excited about new ideas and products. And get involved in the social side too. Everyone on Etsy is really lovely, and love what they do. I have learnt a lot from other sellers, and have made some lovely friends.

Fun Questions -
* Favourite Colour? I can't choose between green and pink!
* Favourite Book? I am a Christian, so the Bible! Being also an English student, they are many novels that I love, including 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin', 'The Chronicles of Narnia', and Richard Mason's 'The Lighted Rooms'.
* Favourite Music? Since I was about fifteen my favourite artists have been the band 'Train'
* Favourite Season? Summer!
* Favourite independant sellers? My favourite independent sellers (on Etsy) are Janine Basil (who makes gorgeous hats), and Imago Drift (whose Ilama t-shirts are extremely cute!). My husband once brought me some earrings from '' who sell really lovely jewellery too.


Thank you Amy for taking part! If you are an independant seller and would like to be featured, please get in touch via my email: titchables(at)gmail(dot)com!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Summer Sale!

You can buy any multiples of 3 to get the free item. For example, if you buy 6, the two cheaper items will be free.

This applies to absolutely EVERYTHING in the ETSY SHOP only. :)

Monday, 12 July 2010

Giveaway Winner!

First of all, thanks to everyone who took part in the giveaway! I have now popped all 24 entries into the random number generator and the winner is... *drumroll* Natasha de Vil with this entry:

Congratulations to you!

I will have more giveaways in the future so keep checking the blog! :)

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Felt Delivery!

I got a new delivery of lots of felt today so I thought I'd share a picture of the lovely new felt mountain in my stock area. Isn't it glorious???

Needless to say, this should keep me going for a little while (I hope anyway!).

I also made some stacks of the themed packs. I like to have a few made up in reserve just so I can get them packed up and sent quickly when customers buy them. Saves me a lot of time, I can tell you!

I've been busy working on some new items which will be gradually listed in the shops. I will also have some news on a special offer tomorrow so make sure you check back for that!

Sunday, 4 July 2010

New Felt Goodies

This past week I did a re-order of some felt and other bits and bobs for the shop, and while I didn't get everything I wanted, I did get some new felt goodies which are now available at the etsy shop!

Also, I have updated the product info for the spotty heart buttons. When I first ordered these they came with too many green and none of the blue for some strange reason, anyway, I've re-adjusted all the sets so you can get all the colours in one pack now. :)

Over the next week or so I hope to fill out the folksy shop a bit more so be looking out for updates there. :)

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Fame at last!

Exciting news today, I'm (well the shop is!) featured in a magazine! Sew Hip to be exact. A few weeks ago the editor posted on twitter asking if anyone had any embroidery pictures that they could use for a feature and in exchange they would write a little something about the shop the picture is from. Well imagine my joy when they said they would use my picture of the embroidery thread bundle!

The picture is on page 86!

And the little snippet about my shop is on the opposite page!

I've never been in a magazine before so this is so exciting for me! :D If you want to check out the magazine for yourself it is issue 19 which has just gone on sale!

Also, don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY!