
Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Seller Spotlight: Pink Tiger Textiles

Seller Spotlight: Pink Tiger Textiles @ Etsy

* Tell me a little about yourself?
Hello, my name is Anna and I'm currently based in Hull, East Yorkshire.

* What is your shop name and what do you sell?
My shop name is Pink Tiger Textiles and I sell textile related goodies. Embroidered wall hangings are my speciality but I also dabble in illustration and accessories.

* What inspires you to create?
Lots of things I guess, could be a piece of fabric I've found that has a great print on it that I know I could turn into a great product, or something I've read about or seen. I think animals are a big inspiration for me, I like to try and create characters from them!

* What is your favourite item from your shop?
I have a couple of favourites so it's hard to choose but I would have to say this item is my fave (below). I think it is because of the time it took, there's a lot of embroidery it feels worth the effort!

* How and where do you promote your shop?
I promote my shop on Facebook

* What do you find to be the biggest challenge of running your own shop?
The time it takes to promote! At first I thought Etsy would be easy, I'd just add items to sell and they would, but now I know that you really have to put the time in to actively go on the forums and promote your wares.

* What advice would you offer to new sellers?
To promote! haha, that and have fun and try not to get too upset if you haven't had a sale in a can be disheartening but Etsy is a big place!

Fun Questions -
* Favourite Colour? It changes quite a bit but I do love Navy blue :)

* Favourite Book? The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.

* Favourite Music? I like lots of different genres of music, but at the moment my favourite band is Friendly Fires. They're amazing live!

* Favourite Season? Autumn, the season I was born in and I just think it's so inspiring!

* Favourite independant sellers? There's a little shop near me in Hull called Pollyanna which is great, it sells lots of cute and interesting gifts, a lot of them handmade by local people too. On Etsy I love Polkadotscloud, really quirky illustrations!


Thank you Anna for taking part in this week's seller spotlight!

If you would like to be featured on an upcoming spotlight, feel free to send me an email here: titchables(at)gmail(dot)com. I welcome any kinds of artists/sellers so do get in touch!


  1. This is a great series - lovely to find out a bit more about Anna!

  2. Thanks Anna for telling you love my etsy shop!I'm so happy you appreciate my creations. I love your embroidered wall art too! :)
