
Thursday, 31 March 2011


Yes, a brand new giveaway for all my lovely blog readers and Titchables fans! To celebrate reaching 1000 sales over at the etsy shop today (thank you so much!!) I am giving away this little bundle of crafty goodness and handmade to one very lucky winner!

The prize includes: 6 metres of Spotty Ribbon, a pack of 50 Spotty Buttons, Handmade Panda Fabric Buttons, a cute handmade Bunny Brooch AND a Masking Tape Sticker set!! Here's a better look at what you'll find in the sticker set (I ordered one with the deco tape just to see what they were like and I ordered another one specifically for a giveaway. You really won't be disappointed!):

Looks awesome right???!!!!

If you would like to be in with a chance of this unique prize package, all you have to do is head on over the etsy shop and tell me what your favourite item is and leave a comment here with your answer! Please leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!

The giveaway will end on April 7th and I will announce the winner on the 8th! Good luck!!


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

DIY: Memo Board Tutorial

A new tutorial! Well actually it's more of a little DIY walk through but I'm hoping you'll be able to be inspired by it at least. I recently found an awesome memo board in a thrift store which was just dying for a little make over.

As you can tell, it looked a bit, well... boring. It is amazing what a bit of paint can do, so let me show you!

All you need is: Acrylic Paint, Paint Brushes, Fabric, Deco Tape, fun shaped Buttons and some flat drawing pins.

First of all you want to paint all of the wood. This took about 4-5 coats using white. I wasn't too worried about going on to the cork part as that would be covered later, but I tried my best to keep the paint off the white board area.

Next, I cut a piece of fabric I liked to size so that it would fit in the corkboard area. I then generously painted the cork with PVA glue and glued the fabric in place.

You want to get your fabric as tight as possible and don't want to leave any bumps where you might have excess glue. To combat this, get a piece of card and holding down on one end of the fabric (you will get a bit sticky!) just slide the piece of card across. Any excess glue will come out and you can just wipe that away.

This will take a little while to dry so make sure to leave it for a while (I did it so it dried overnight).

The next thing I did was choose some pretty deco tape and stuck it on (rocket science, I know!). Deco tape is surprisingly sticky and it stays on really well on wood. Washi/masking tape would also work well here.

I added some more deco tape and voila! I now have a very pretty memo board/stationary holder!

I hope this has inspired! More tutorials will be coming your way soon!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Ten Pin Sunday


Such gorgeous colour.

I need this in my life!

So cute!

These strung together would make a really cute baby mobile.

How lovely does this look to just sit on in front of the fire?

If I ever get married, this is what I want to wear! So gorgeous!

Panda bread. What's not to love?

So cute.

Panda's have the best life. <333

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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Spring has sprung!

Well Spring has finally arrived! We've been enjoying some fabulous weather the last couple of days - warmth, blue skies and lots of sunshine! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to enjoy much of it due to work, but I have managed to squeeze in a walk and lots of photo taking when I can.

I hope you've been enjoying the change in seasons!

Sorry I haven't been an active blogger lately. Since taking on more hours at my day job, I'm finding it hard to find time to do all the things I used to do. Managing the shops and sorting out orders remains my number 1 priority so other things just get left behind. I'm hoping that as I get used to the new hours, I'll be able to plan myself more appropriately. :D

Sunday, 20 March 2011


As promised, here's the transaction reciept for my donation to the Red Cross for the Japan Tsunami relief fund. It wasn't a lot but it felt good to contribute a little bit of money.

If you're wondering, you can donate to several charities with Paypal via MissionFish which then directs the money to wherever you wanted to donate, which is why it doesn't mention the Red Cross on the reciept. :)

This was a really simple way to donate, so if you have a few spare pennies in your paypal, it's definitely worth it.

No Ten Pins tonight, will try and get them up for you tomorrow!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Felt Delivery!

This is what my felt shelf looked like last weekend. It looks like a really sad state of affairs doesn't it? Luckily I knew I had a huge delivery on it's way to me so after sorting it all out, counting it and putting it on the shelf (and that took some doing!!) it now looks like this:

Ah much better! My plan for the next few months is to build up the back stock of felt. Before, because I was ordering when I really needed it, which has meant me ordering a small amount each month. Now that I'm in full time employment I have a bit more money to play with (in theory!!). I'm hoping that when that dreaded C-word thing happens again, I'll have double the felt you currently see. That's the plan anyway!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

New Deco Tapes!

Really excited about today's shop update! I finally decided to source some more deco tapes, and these are a bit different from the last lot I stocked. This time they will be sold in packs of 3. They are 10mm wide and get this: each have 8 metres of cuteness!!

I am selling the packs for £2.50 and they are all available on the online shop now!

The pack you see here is very limited edition. I could only get 2 lots. :( So if you want one, grab it now!

I've also added a brand new button bag, again only on the online shop for now. Some bright colourful stars! They come in packs of 30 and you can check those out by heading to the Plain Buttons section and scrolling to the bottom.

Don't forget, any handmade sales this week and I will donate 50% of the sale to the Red Cross relief fund for Japan. I will also be doubling any money I can donate from sales, so keep them coming.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Buy handmade for Japan

I am sure you have heard what has happened in Japan. I have been thinking of ways to help out, so this is what I propose:

Buy any HANDMADE products in any of my shops including:, Etsy and Folksy and I will donate 50% of the price to the Japan Tsunami & Earthquake Appeal from the Red Cross.

So if there's a brooch, keychain or plush you've had your eye on for a while, please take this opportunity now to make the purchase!

Fundraising with begin with the posting of this blog and will end next Sunday at 9pm at around which time I will post the receipt for the donation.

If you want to donate directly to the Red Cross Appeal, please visit their website.

Ten Pin Sunday

Felt Garlands

Beautiful crochet cushion. Want to try and do something similar!

Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes! Yuuuuummy!

Really love the colour palette here.

So clever!

Canada. Gorgeous colours! Hope to visit one day.

Once again, gorgeous colour palette!

This is why Panda's are my favourite animal!!

Fabric bird. Beautiful!

Lots of pretties!

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Thursday, 10 March 2011

New Mini Bear Plush!

Introducing my brand new mini plush! I'm so excited about these and I love how they came out. I've been wanting to do some mini plush for ages and I finally drew a sketch which I thought would lend itself quite nicely to be tiny and cute. I have made them in 5 lovely pastel colours and they've got a lot of nice detail on them. You would think with something this small, they would be quicker to make, but they ended up taking a lot longer than I thought!

Look! They even fit in the palm of your hand! They only measure 3.5"

So they are a perfect companion for your Blythe doll, or just for simply displaying (or giving as a gift or....)!

You can buy all 5 colours now at and I am adding them to the etsy shop over the coming days (Blue and Peach currently available!)

Regarding the etsy shop - I have now converted all prices into pounds. I've umm-ed and ahh-ed about this for a while but it is the easier option for me when doing all my monthly sums. It can be quite time consuming to have to convert the dollars into pounds, and now that problem is gone. If you have set your local currency on etsy, then this will not affect anything and you will still see the prices in that currency!

And even more news! I have ordered in a few new bits and bobs - deco tapes mostly and some new embellishments which should be arriving soon. The deco tapes do really well when I have them in stock, but this new stock will be completely different. They are really cute and I'm sure you'll love them!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Happy Pancake Day!

I actually had pancakes yesterday with the family, but today as I was on my own I wanted them again (I'm  a big pig apparently!) so I looked up a recipe for American pancakes. This is the first time I've made them and they came out really yummy. Not the most asthetically pleasing, but when food is good, it really doesn't matter!

I also did some crispy bacon and poured a load of maple syrup over it. Delicious!!